JUST WHAT IS A SOLDIER? A soldier is one who is engaged in military service; a skilled warrior, a militant leader, follower, or worker. God has always had a people who were used as weapons in His hand against the enemy.
Since the fall of man, God has established a plan and a strategy for bringing man back into the realm of dominion that was lost by the effect of sin. Today, many of God’s people are held captive by the enemy. Satan and his hordes run rampant throughout the land, spreading fear and terror, till even those who should “be strong in the Lord” are paralyzed by the fear tactics of the enemy.
God is calling forth in this day and in this hour, a Militant Band, an Army to engage in warfare and fighting for the souls of men; a body of believers who will aggressively activate themselves for the ARMY OF GOD. Those who will answer the call of God to be a part of His Army will do so from the heart and not from the reasoning realms of the mind. Those who say “YES!” to this call will be the ones who will allow Him to write His truth in the fleshly table of their hearts. They will march in unity with Jesus Christ as their Commander in Chief, not giving way to the Devil, nor the world, nor the carnal mind. They will move out, armed with the weapons of spiritual warfare to pull down the strongholds of the enemy’s territory. They shall not walk in fear and compromise, but in boldness and the glory of His might.
Marching in the Army of God will be the ones who have beseeched God to work obedience in their lives. They will not be those who live by the “do your own thing” motto and call it Christian, nor will they prefer comfort and “peace” to the truth. No, those who say “YES!” to God will endure the suffering, the persecution, the shame of the cross, for they know that thru the way of their Commander. JESUS CHRIST, they will be in that perfect obedience that renders victory. As the clay, with Him as the Potter, they will cry, “Not my will, but Thine be done.” How can we ever know the sweetness of victory without being buffeted in battle? How can we walk in love if we don’t love as He loves? The concept of a big, puffy, soft God is wrong. God is a fighter. He daily wrestles with Satan for the souls of men.
Soldiers must be willing to engage in combat. They must be willing to forsake all and follow Him, carrying their cross daily. We must be willing to endure hardness as good soldiers, willing to lose our life to gain His life. The enemy will try a number of tactics to discourage and defeat us. He will use his many ways to keep us from rising up and acknowledging our authority in Christ. But, God is stronger and wiser than the enemy, and He is calling men and women, boys and girls in their hour to march victorious with Him. We do not need to be fearful but strong in the knowledge of the power that is in the name of JESUS CHRIST. We do not need to be taken by the snares of the enemy but we can instead claim new territory for JESUS. We are not involved in a game but a real warfare for the souls of men and women, boys and girls.
Do you want to be a soldier? Examine your heart, let God shine His light on your life, illuminating the motives of your heart. After this, if you still feel a burning “YES!” within you, then know that you are His and He has heard your answer. So gird up your loins and prepare for War, for the BATTLE CRY has sounded!!!!