by: Gen. Jim, POW
This generation is degenerate! It is degenerate in every way. The United States has become the “United Snakes of Amerika” under Marxism. The Liberal Left is the avant-garde of draconian death. We could very well say we are under the “Abomination of Desolation” (as in Matthew 24:15, NKJV; the New American Bible has “Desolating Abomination”). I’m not saying our generation is exactly what Matthew 24:15 is referring to. I’m just using this description to describe the level of evil we are under nowadays. We are under the Marxist “raised fist” that exemplifies defiance and hatred.
The way Jesus used “Abomination of Desolation,” he was explaining a future event for the desecration of the Temple in JerUSAlem by the ruthless Romans. (This event did literally happen in the 70 AD desolating event in Jerusalem.)
We can certainly see that the PAGAN Marxist Politically Correct army can be compared to this “Abomination”: they have DEFILED the “temple,” i.e., the center of American law and order – now all broken down. This has been the Marxist strategy for decades. Communists have been conspiring to overthrow the U.S. government for years and years. Old spies like Whittaker Chambers, Elizabeth Bentley, Alger Hiss, Julias and Ethel Rosenberg, Harry Dexter, and others, were part of the swirling mess of espionage, intrigue, and covert ops; the Commie appaRATus WAS WIDESPREAD. In those days, the FBI was on the side of the U.S. Government and the people, not like what it became. FBI top command, J. Edgar Hoover, wrote a book, Masters of Deceit, in which he credited the Commies for their expert deceit. “Deceit” – a nasty word indeed. Just listen to the LIES after LIES in our time, sent to deceive the American public by using Politically Correct words that convey hidden meanings (only “they” know what they mean, not the U.S. public).
During the anti-Communism movement in the 50’s and 60’s, the level of intensity was enough to get the people on the offensive. Huge rallies were held and well-known Hollywood luminaries attended: people like John Wayne, Jimmy Steward, Walter Brennan, Tex Ritter, Rock Hudson, Ozzie and Harriet Nelson, Maureen O’Horn, Vincent Prince, Nat King Cole, Walt Disney, John Ford, Roy Roger and Dale Evans, Ronald Reagan, Jane Russell, Ed Bergen, Buddy Ebsen, Caesar Romero, Pat Boone, and many politicians. Today most of Hollywood and the Liberals are all part of the Communist Party in one way or the other.
In the 1980’s, I regularly received Dr. Fred Schwartz’s Anti-Communist Newsletter. That Australian was fearless in his exposure of Communism. The times have changed: the Commies, liberals, PC-ers are out in numbers, fearless, with raised clenched fists, raised in defiance over America. The anti-Commie folks are being maligned, attacked physically, monetarily, emotionally, psychologically – CANCELED!!
This is no time to fall asleep, friends. It is the time to be VIGILANT, be ALIVE & ALERT against the Left’s bias B.S.! Familiarize yourself with the Left’s agenda, narrative, Politically Correct jargon, its mechanics of operations – all employed to DESTROY freedoms that are based on God’s principles.
Hear the Words of the Spirit
This Prophetic Word was given on Nov. 16, 2022: “I speak to you My People, and I say know that I intend that you would TRIUMPH over all the forces of EVIL that would attempt to DESTROY you … Do not allow the enemies to overwhelm you by their bombardments … Do not be quick to turn aside when the pressures are upon you … run into Me and be kept … therefore, look to be TRIUMPHANT, not TRAMPLED, nor continually berated and beat down. There are times and seasons when persecutions will arise and seek to take you down and DEVASTATE your faith in Me … use the spiritual armor that you have been given [see Ephesians 6] and REBUKE, REFUTE, AND REFUSE to be overtaken and overwhelmed by such forces of iniquity … Do not give in to the treachery … Do not grow weary in your journey and give up in hopelessness … The world is full of darkness and death and is literally ruled by the devil and his demonic forces … Do not let the times defeat you … when you have suffered for your identity with Me, know that the same causes you to TRIUMPH and to be ever uplifted and guided forth in the VICTORIOUS WAY that is given by me; be TRIUMPHANT and VICTORIOUS in Me.”
In this present time, wicked men fervently hope to establish a new society where children can be used and abused at will, where money will be in the hands of the “TOP Cats” in their “Homo-Marxian Colossus”; all power and authority will be theirs. No morals, no Bibles, no Christians, no one moral …
Men, women, and children (if they survive the Left’s “womb homicide” / abortion and are actually born) will be mere commodities, dispensed at will by the “elite.” God, and Christianity, and Christians will be OUTLAWED! A “sublime Utopia.”
Well, folks, America is a well-armed nation, in the carnal sense. I don’t think the anti-Commie folks are just gonna lay down their weapons and freely submit to these PC liberals without a fight. Utopian Communism is a DELUSION. It has never worked. Period. People know it and don’t want it.
The revolutionary spirit of Anarchists/Marxists drives these Anarchists to believe in no government; the Marxists believe in totalitarianism, i.e., a political/military regime based on subordination of the individual to the State, with State-strict control over all aspects of life.
In contrast to this, the TRUE Christian believes in the ONE TRUE GOD, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We believe in God’s Ekklesia/Community (see Acts 2:44-47; Acts 4:32-35).
The ancient Christian order (Jesus started the first “New World Order”) was a great idea. Over time, religious men brought in “churches” (meeting once-in-a-while), replacing spiritual/physical Ekklesias where the people lived together as best they could (not just attended a “meeting house”). The early Church practiced Ekklesia Living, not Communism.
One of the four major premises of Communism is that ALL religion MUST be OVERTHROWN because it inhibits the spirit of “world revolution.” This is expressed in V.I. Lenin’s Selected Works, Earl Browder’s Communism in the U.S., and E. Yaroslavsky’s Religion in the USSR. They all say that “Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism.” Marx stated that “Religion is the opium of the people,” hence, destroying ALL religion (Christianity, et al.) became a prime objective of the Commie Manifesto.
2 Corinthians 11:14 says, “Even Satan masquerades as an angel of light.” Today’s leaders are deceitful as HELL, cunning and no more “Christian” than the devil is.
WARNING: They are after your children. They want to use and abuse your children. I said this years ago (at least over 25 years ago) that transgenderism would become the “darling” of the Queer Movement. The Queer Movement is advancing on ALL fronts, especially in schools. Drag queens can come to the classroom and put on a show for the children, display “sex toys” and read queer books and so on. But a Christian is forbidden to mention God or Jesus or have a Bible, let alone give a Bible lesson (with few exceptions)!
So, parents, what are you gonna do? My son, when he was in the second grade, refused to look at porno photos being passed around, and the teacher literally threw a big fit and called us to her office! Well, we blacked her down and she ended up thanking our son for his Christian stand. This was in the early 1980’s in California.
Stand UP! Stand STRONG!