The GLBTQ (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer) activists actually believe they are “born that way.” This despite the FACT that no scientific study has ever supported the delusion that God made them like that. They have never isolated a “gay” gene. If possible, study my many teachings and series of “Gay Way” booklets which go into great detail proving that the Bible and nature itself do not support the twisted ideas of the GLBTQ camp and their desire to OVERHAUL straight America.
One tactic that has proven to be effective is what both advocates and members of the GLBTQ community have stated in all the major media outlets, printed and electronic: “Talk” publicity about homosexuality (almost any behavior begins to look normal if you are exposed to enough of it). Using the television, movie, music, and publishing industries, these perversion activist groups have aggressively downplayed the dangers of their sick, perverted lifestyles while continually demonizing the heterosexual/straight camp. They love to vilify their opponents (like me), associating them with extremists like the KKK, Nazis, etc.
Years ago I wrote many critiques of homo activist Marshall Kirk’s book, “After the Ball.” The subhead of his book declares, ” How America will conquer its fear and hatred of gays in the 1990s.” Kirk’s co-author, Hunter Madsen, helped in mapping out, with boldness, candor, and explicit detail, additional means of promoting and selling the GLBTQ agenda to America.
In those days I, along with my wife Gen. Deborah and all the members of ACMTC faithfully at my side, challenged the GLBTQ community to prove me wrong in what I wrote and stated about their beliefs. Of course the national and local media picked up on this, labeling us “homophobic” and worse. Yet not ONE SINGLE PERSON has to this date proved us Biblically wrong. In fact, I quote their own champions who admit that no “gay” gene has ever been identified. Hence, they cannot be “born that way.”
The liberal Church is wrong about the genre or type of literature which composes the New Testament, and the homosexual Christian (whatever that is??) would have us believe that the New Testament does not condemn homosexual practices. Let me be very clear, in all my studies on Hebrew culture, history, language etc. I have found that the New Testament unequivocally condemns homosexuality and lesbianism along with other perversions of a sexual nature, declaring them all to be sins. The “Thou shalt not…” concerning sex sins is still obligatory. The condemnation against them has never been abrogated or abolished. I’ve written my share on all this in years gone by. But for the record I will again go over some important facts. You can be sure I am not embarking upon this issue extemporaneously. I am prepared to present Scripture.
Those who deal with writings/books/genres take for granted that they must have an understanding of what they write or read. To properly interpret Scripture or literature it is crucial to consider the genre or the kind of literature we are interpreting. One Bible scholar puts it like this, “As a legal brief differs from a prophetic oracle, there is a difference in genre between Leviticus and Revelation. Genre is particularly significant when considering writings that are difficult to categorize, such as Genesis, which is largely a historical narrative interlaced with symbolism and repetitive poetic structure….” One also has to consider the culture (location), the essence, the author, the context/content, and the year if possible.
Our liberal churchites tell us that even if the New Testament condemns the homosexual lifestyle and sexual sins of that nature, we must consider that time is a factor. They point out that centuries have passed and we now live in a “New Age” whereby condemnation of sex sins is outdated and no longer binding.
Well, I have challenged them by asking, “Just when did sex sins become outdated, and by whom?” Silence! The truth of the matter is that moral sins are binding upon all cultures for all time. Just because evil, sinful men and women decide to “outlaw” God’s moral law does in no way change that law or make it any less binding. The fact is God is immutable (unchanging) and so is His moral law which He gave to the men and women He created. Take the time to look up all the Scriptures where sex perversions are called “abominations” and “sins” in both the Old and New Testaments. God has not changed His mind about what kinds of behavior He has declared sinful.
Scriptural synergy, according to scholars, may rightly be deemed the principle imperative in the art and science of Biblical interpretation. Simply put, it means that the whole of Scripture is greater than the sum of its individual passages. So we understand that the concept of scriptural synergy demands that individual passages may never be interpreted in such a way as to conflict with the whole of Scripture.
In short, the entire Word of God has ONE author-God, though historically He has and does work through various human instruments. We can rightly assume that the author does not contradict Himself. In reference to the issue of sexual sins, God spoke to Moses to write Leviticus 18:22, “Thou shall not lie with a male/man as with a female/woman, it is an ABOMINATION.” That was/is a command! And if that command was violated then Leviticus 20:13 was the consequence, “If a man lies with a male/man…..They shall surely be put to DEATH….” Yes, you read it right-DEATH!
The GLBTQ Bible scholars tell us that these passages were only for ancient Israel and were hardly ever executed. It matters not if the violators were actually killed; those two scriptures give us a peek into the heart of God. What I am saying is that God’s “moral” laws do not change. My point is that God has not changed His mind about what He said about and against those who committed sins of sodomy (homosexuals), adultery, incest, and bestiality (see Leviticus 20 for the penalties).
The homosexual community denies that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for their sexual sins. Instead they have come up with the “queer” (strange) notion that it was inhospitality which they showed to those who entered their city that brought God’s wrath. I have refuted all their false arguments in my previously published “Gay Way” series. God said in Genesis 13:13 that the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinful against the Lord!
If, as the homosexual community and liberal Church perverts really believe, it was inhospitality and not sexual sin that brought God’s wrath, then WHY does Scripture tell us that the men of Sodom want to “know” the two angels (thinking they were men)? According to Strong’s Concordance, the word “know” used in this passage comes from the Hebrew word “yada” and is used in a variety of ways, one of which means “to lie by or with men.” If you carefully study this word you will discover that “to know” is the equivalent of “to have sex with.” Another use of this word is found in Genesis 4:1 which tells us, “Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain….” I am not convinced that the words “know/knew” are talking about the idea of someone being inhospitable. NEED MORE PROOF?
In Genesis 19:7 Lot says to the men of Sodom, “….Please my brethren, do not do so wickedly.” Can we logically insert the concept of inhospitality here? Then in verse 8 Lot says to the perverts, “See now, I have two daughters who have not known (or had sex with) a man; please, let me bring them out to you, and you may do to them as you wish; only do nothing to these men.
The whole uproar centers around the fact that the perverts of Sodom wanted to have sex with the two men (which were actually angels) who had entered their city. To claim that God judged Sodom because it was inhospitable shows how biblically illiterate the homosexual community actually is! Their logic is completely screwed.
So, has God changed His mind about sex-sins in the New Testament? Since the Old Testament openly condemns sodomy, can we find condemnation of the same in the New Testament? In my Gay Way series I give half a dozen “vice” lists and at the top of most of them are sex sins. The most well- known vice list is found in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. It starts out with: “Do you not know that the UNRIGHTEOUS will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do not be deceived, neither fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals/sodomites….”
All one has to do is research the meanings and nuances of each of those words above in the Greek language. No honest person will tell you that the penalties for these sex sins are not binding upon us today. Not a single one has ever been abrogated or done away with. Paul, in verse 13, mentions sexual immorality, and in verse 18 again mentions the same, calling those activites SIN! In my Gay Way series I go into great detail researching and explaining the many Greek words found in all the vice lists.
Again, I suggest you do a Bible/scripture study on Romans chapter one. It condemns both homosexuals (sodomites) in verse 27 and lesbians in verse 26. I have read all the lame attempts by the perverted homosexual “Christians” have worked hard to influence anyone who will listen to believe the LIES they were pushing, namely that the Apostle Paul, not God, had a “personal hangup” with sexual perversions. This is yet another weak attempt to discredit and do away with God’s very clear condemnation and prohibition of sexual sins. Romans chapter one also has a vice list, and in verse 29 describes those guilty of the sins mentioned as “….being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness….”
Here are more New Testament passages which deal specifically with sex sins. 1 Corinthians 6; Romans 1; and also 1 Timothy 1:8-10. 1 Timothy 1:10 mentions fornicators, sodomites, and kidnappers. In previous publications I have shown that children were “kidnapped” for sexual purposes. History is rife with the activity of pedophiles, and a little research will show that our modern culture is rampant with pedophile activity as well, from private homes up to the highest levels of government.
In Revelation 22:15 the Apostle John makes mention of “dogs.” If you research the word “dogs” you will find that one of the meanings is sexual. John was alluding to the way male homosexuals mount from the back during sexual intercourse as do dogs. Of course people call each other dogs in a purely derogatory manner, as the Jews did the gentiles. Yet John uses the term “dogs” in the vice list right along with sexual immorality. If he was just calling names, why would the ones called “dogs” be excluded from Heaven? It is obvious John was pointing out that their sinful sexual activities are the reason they would never make it to Heaven.
Before I get into the last part of this article which deals with what is clean and what is unclean, I want to mention the incident of Jesus and the adulterous woman and how the homo camp views it (John 8:1-11). Our homo/lesbian opponents always remind us, as a matter of fact, that Jesus never condemned GLBTQ folks-He only showed love.
First, Jesus did not need to bring up homosexuality, for it was not common in Judaism, not like sex sins between men and women. Both adultery and sodomy were still considered sin in Jesus’ day and His ministry was under Old Testament law. In dealing with the woman accused of adultery stoning was the punishment, yet He told her, “Neither do I condemn you.” He personally did not need to condemn her for the Old Testament law already did that (see v. 5). Jesus went on in the same breath to say, “….go and sin no more” (v. 11). He called adultery sin! Had the issue been sodomy He would have said the same.
Let’s get the facts straight before we continue: God did not rain fire down upon Sodom and Gomorrah (and five other cities) due to inhospitality as the homosexual movement would like us to believe. NO! The New Testament mentions this hellish judgment several times as an example to those who afterward would live ungodly lives. In 2 Peter 2:7-18 we read, Lot who was oppressed by the FILTHY CONDUCT (inhospitality?) of the wicked.” Peter goes on to write, “For that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds” (v. 8). Then in verse 14 he talks about those .having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin….” He doesn’t stop there. He continues writing about lusts of the flesh and lewdness in verse 18. If you think God does not care about sex sins, be they homo or hetero, you obviously have not read your Bible.
There is no way any honest person will believe that the reason for God’s judgment upon Sodom, Gomorrah, and five other cities was because of inhospitality, discrimination, or oppression. Certain Biblical apologists try to twist and interpret Scripture in order to make it seem to agree with what they believe in order to justify their sinful, perverted, lifestyles. The truth is promiscuity, homosexuality, and all the other sex sins, inflame and anger God. How can we NOT believe Jude 1:7, since 2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us that all Scripture is inspired by God? The sodomite camp claims that Jude disagreed with God. Really? I challenge you to look up all the instances in the Bible where Sodom and Gomorrah and the judgment they incurred are mentioned and you will find that sex sins were definitely the issue.
The truth is that all the homosexual conjurings will NEVER prove Scripture wrong. Both the Old and the New Testaments agree–period! All the flagrant abuse of Scripture will not change the truth so that if favors the lies people want to believe. The whole GLBTQ movement is shameless and appalling. America is headed towards Sodom and Gomorrah based ideologies which will eventually become law. We are being engulfed-swallowed whole-by GLBTQ sin. It is a shame that Presidents nowadays support/endorse (some even promote) these abominable sex sins. Have we become a nation of cowards who are afraid to call sin SIN?
You think what we’re seeing now is bad, wait until the Democrats get in power (if God wills it to be). I hear those broadcasters on Fox News saying they FEAR what is coming. Well, they ought to. Fox will no doubt be abolished, like the police forces. For sure, there is something very emotionally transforming about the future. The more we see the unconscionable means to the end to which the human spirit can descend when it is determined to get its way, the more frightening things will become. It’s going to get SCARY uncle Harry! When Jesus came to earth as a man, His own people were backslidden–very religious but BACKSLIDDEN! Can we not see that America has also fallen from grace? What was the end of Israel’s folly? God’s own people plotted and conspired to put their Messiah to death. And years later they paid a terrible price in 70 A.D. when Roman armies destroyed the entire nation. Will something like this be America’s pay back for such backsliding? Will the ungodly take power and rule with cruelty?
The Cross of Christ stands as a sign for us, a sign of the price He paid for our redemption/freedom. Yet Americans do not appreciate Him like they should. We give lip service but little heart service. The Cross is offensive to our way of life–the way that is about to END if God allows the BBB to win. In short, what Reinhold Niebuhr wrote in his book “The Kingdom of God in America” is the new ideology: “We want a God without wrath, who took man without sin, into a Kingdom without justice, through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross.” This is where the church in America lives.
The Socialists/Communists want a nation without God, Christ, the Holy Spirit–Christianity–Period! The only name the “Left” will allow will be “Jesus Christ!” used a profane exclamation. The state-ites, prisoners of the welfare nanny state, will be brainwashed to chant, “Biden, Biden, Biden–Savior!” They intend to change the entire moral landscape of America so that what is right will become wrong and what is wrong will become right.
I’ve also been wondering where is the Nation of Islam (NOI)? They’ve been in-your-face in times past, especially during the 1960’s revolution. I do hear BLM use Malcolm X’s name once in a while. You would think the NOI and BLM would be united: both hate the police and capitalism. Black separatism, expounded by earlier Black leaders such as Marcus Garvey in the 1920s, was revived in the 1960s by the NOI, aka Black Muslims. It was hostile towards Whites and stressed Black Pride, unity, and self-help. Malcolm X was a spellbinding speaker who advocated militant protest and separatism, even violence if need be. He was murdered on Feb. 21, 1965 after he broke away from Elijah Muhammad’s NOI based in Harlem.
Then we have Black Power militants such as Stokely Carmichael, Huey Newton, and Bobby Seale who founded the “Black Panthers”, a militant organization dedicated to protecting local blacks from police violence. Their organization spread across the U.S. during the 60’s revolution as well. Their affinity for Third World revolutionary movements and armed struggle became their most publicized attribute. It was also during this time that the Blacks insisted on using the term “Afro-American” rather than Negro because of that terms historical association with slavery and racism. Universities and colleges across the nation began offering programs focusing on Black studies.
It must be remembered, a major reason for the erosion of White support were the waves of riots that struck many of the nation’s cities. I have personally seen the destruction that rioting can bring when doing missionary work in Miami, Florida. We’ve all read about “Summer in the City” which began in 1964 (I was at Fort Polk, LA, at that time) when the police shot a young black man in Harlem. Angry youth LOOTED and BURNED for a week–Hello! Over the next four years, the volatile issue of police brutality set off RIOTS in dozens of U.S. cities–Hello, is anyone listening? Then in 1965 the arrest of a young black man in Watts, a city in Los Angeles County, sparked six days of RIOTING that left 34 Blacks dead. Then in 1967 the riots got way more serious, engulfing 22 cities during July and August of that year; the most devastating being in Newark and Detroit. 43 were killed in Detroit alone. Millions of dollars worth of property was destroyed. Note: arson and looting in Detroit targeted White owned businesses and property.
Then on July 29, 1967, President Johnson appointed a special commission to investigate the riots, known as the Kerner Commission. This report, released in March of 1968, detailed the inequality and racism of urban life. There was a warning attached to the report which stated: “Our nation is moving toward two societies, one Black, one White–separate and unequal…. What White Americans have never fully understood–but what the Negro can never forget–is that White society is deeply implicated in the ghetto. White institutions created it, white institutions maintain it, and white society condones it.” What Black Republicans, along with many Black Democrats, are saying today (and they are correct) is that the Democratic Party keeps all this going, not the Republicans.
After all this, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968, hardly a month after the Kerner Commission report was released. The rest is history….and history is repeating itself as I write. The Democratic Party and other movements I’ve mentioned all condemn the Whites for being racist. This is the core belief held by Black Lives Matter. Yet the truth is Blacks have more wealth, fame, and respect in America now than ever before. But yes, racism (on both sides) does exist. Rioting and looting will not change this; it will only cause more damage and Black-on-Black Killing. Yet as mentioned, all this social unrest is a key component in the overall Socialist/Communist strategy to break America and then rebuild it according to their plans.
For sure, we all collectively feel a deep and paralyzing disorientation. I personally, and all those of our ministry, have no racial/racist feelings whatsoever. Jesus gave His life for all men, so we work with all races, cultures, and creeds. We’ve been to several African countries, some as many as six times. We’ve been to Asia and the Islands of the Pacific, Ukraine, and Hong Kong too. While RACE appears to be the big issue, the real issue is political–get President Trump OUT OF OFFICE! The “Left” literally HATES and FEARS him. Why? Because he calls them out on all their hypocrisies. He challenges their Marxist agenda that is working to make America Socialist. He unabashedly pushes back on their fake news which continues to brainwash America. America’s gullibility is shocking!
Santayana’s aphorism needs our attention: “He who refuses to learn from history is forced to repeat its mistakes.” Amen. Does America want to follow China’s “Yellow Brick Road” into Communism? Biden and Obama were in bed with China before Trump came along and pulled back the velvet covers. Check out their adulterous affair for yourself. Capitalism/morality and Communism (be it from old USSR, China, or Cuba) are intrinsically opposed. The two are enemies. Common sense tells us that the existence of A/THE CREATOR and designer of the universe and humankind cannot be denied. Yet the Communists deny it. The familiar adage is true: The mind is too great an asset to waste. The mind is the command/control center of each individual life….and God created man with a will and a mind. Why waste that precious gift on doubting or denying God? God wants us to love and serve Him, not some anti-Christ system that ultimately enslaves the mind.
18th century Scottish political thinker, Andrew Fletcher, wrote: “Give me the making of the songs of a nation, and I care not who writes its laws.” It has been noted by other thinkers that his words not only reveal a major CULTURAL access point to our contemporary mind-set, but also acknowledge the extraordinary control that song lyrics exercise upon the moods and convictions of the young. And the young generations of this age are more heavily BATTERED and embattled by the tug of countless allurements than ever….Socialism and Communism being one of the strongest.
–General Jim Green, POW