By: Gen. Jim — 6/2/19
We live in a time whereby nations and individuals are SHAKEN in their beliefs – religious, economic, political, class, or whatever one believes in. America is enjoying a strong economy but the eerie feeling of a soon-to-collapse economy looms like a dark cloud. Natural disasters are mounting (God told us they would years ago; He said He would use natural storms/disasters as a WEAPON against the U.S. for the people would move further and further away from Him.). Mass shootings are on the increase (as He also told us they would be), political crime and street crime is out-of-order.
The thing we can count on, we can’t count on anything. Even the icebergs and frozen ocean are thawing, making the water levels to rise. Soon many coastal regions will be under water.
One thing we can count on, at least for me, is that God’s Word is our SURE FOUNDATION in an ever-changing world. Many, most, believe that all this CHANGE is not of God but of man. Believe what you will. I’ve heard things spoken by the Spirit of God years and years ago that are NOW coming to pass. The O.T. prophets prophesied years, even centuries ahead of time in times past, that came to pass.
The apostle Peter writes: “And we ourselves heard this voice (see Matthew 17:51, which came for heaven… And we have a more reliable Word of prophecy…” (2 Peter 1:18,19). Do you think that the Word of prophecy stopped with the early Ekklesia? No! God still gives His present/future Word of the Lord to His prophets (male/female) today. My wife, Deborah, has such a gift: the “revelation of revolution” I call it. Much of the Spoken Word is that of judgment/punishment. We all are used to the “Lamb” Words of Christ, but few (and fewer!) want to hear the “Lion” Word, God’s divine revelation of His wrathful side of His 2-fold nature. Revolution basically means change. God’s Spirit is certainly changing things today (as He did in previous generation/centuries). Revelation in Scripture has to do with and refers to something God has made know to mankind – intel that was/is hidden from the human mind – like, for instance, the Spirit told Deborah that He was going to bring disastrous earthquakes to Japan (this happened 17 years later – we have the WOS written/spoken on tape and dated). I could give you dozens and dozens of examples of such revelations (revealing) just since Deborah began to be used of God (starting in 1971). First Corinthians 12:10 speaks of “prophecy.”
God has, since the very beginning of time, used men/women to record His inspirations/words, His thoughts and acts. He used their own minds/hands/mouths, their unique personalities, style, and vocabulary. Not every believer has this gift.
Revelation can also be seen as an illuminating light that shines forth in our mind, and hearts. Peter’s explanation was like “a lamp shining in a dark place” (1 Peter 1:19). He goes on to write: “… no prophecy of the Scripture is a matter of ones own interpretation. For no prophecy at any time was produced by the will of man, but holy men (and women) moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God” (v. 20,21).
God’s Spirit has to be “wrathful” at times in order to get men’s attention. There are some natural/man-made disasters that make men/nations question the love of God. Correction/punishment does not mean that God is not love: His love includes such measures because He does love.
The Holy Scripture may be old but still relevant for every generation. The pages of the Bible contain everything you and I need to live a good and godly life. (Read 2 Timothy 3:16).
As I write this article, the debate rages over “climate change,” aka “global warming.” Whether the cycles of warming/cooling occur over thousands of years is left for the “experts.” But there is NO DOUBT that men (in all his greed and disrespect for the planet) is causing much disaster in one form or the other. I’m not on either side of this debate: I do know that God is WARNING us to respect the earth, for it is His Creation… and man is killing it. The Bible speaks much about His judgments that He brought upon evil civilizations in times past.
I’m not preaching the END of the WORLD! I’m preaching TAKE HEED! We expect a “good” God to rescue us from disasters/death. Why does a “loving” God allow pain and loss? Discipline brings pain, but it is because He does love, He corrects… so that we may share His holy nature (see Hebrews 12:10). John 3:16 tells us that God loves the world, without His loving intervention, our natural and spiritual growth would be far less than acceptable.
So, His revelation of revolution is in the earth. Are you asleep or alert?