Please allow me to educate those of you who don’t have the foggiest understanding of Marxism, aka, Communism; and allow me to reiterate AGAIN the facts about Marxism/Communism to those of you who are in-the-know.
“Commie Manifesto”
Both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote a “declaration of principles” or “Manifesto of the World” in which they declared – with great passion for REVOLUTION – what International Communism stood for:
- Overthrow of Capitalism
- Abolition of private property
- Elimination of the family as a social unit
- Abolition of all classes
- Overthrow of all governments
- Establishment of a Communist order with communal ownership of property in a classless, stateless society.
These 6 things have cost the lives of millions upon millions of lives.
Marx and Engels made it clear that the Commies MUST support every revolutionary movement against existing social orders.
And so, their struggle has been ongoing for generations and generations. Now, as I write this, this same revolutionary spirit is in every aspect of American life. The one who sits atop of this dang heap is none other than a warmongering/fraud/criminal “leader.” Clearly compromised by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), under such a corrupt regime we’ll see our share of political, social and military catastrophe.
Current leaders, in the spirit of Marx, visualize a regimented breed of Pavlovian men/women whose minds/hearts are geared for “snap to” action that react by signals from their masters: these men/women/children are a Marxist “race,” they are “Homo-Marxian,” who no longer depend upon free will, ethics, Godly morals or conscience for guidance. Corrupted robots. Thank you, decrepit leaders!
This decadent, decrepit, dastardly leadership has an insatiable appetite to bring ALL things under TOTAL dominion. Until this is accomplished, these decedent, decrepit dastards will never feel secure. They even want to CONQUER GOD Himself!
Marx and Engels admitted they wanted to ABOLISH ETERNAL TRUTHS. Christianity, of course, was the target; but they even wanted to destroy all religions of the world. (See Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, Authorized English Translation, p. 40).
60’s Revolution
Sadly, both myself and my wife were part of that original revolution. I had been honorably discharged (medically) from the U.S. Army. We both joined the revolution and became Commie hippies. I had an old photo of Marx hanging on my wall …
Talk about ABSENCE of morals! The 60’s revolutionaries often quoted Marx’s “Religion is the opiate of the people.” In “Selected Essays of Marx” (p. 16), Marx wrote: “Religion is the sign of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of a heartless world, as it is the spirit of spiritless conditions. It is the opium of the people.”
In 1936, the Program of the Communist International (International Publishers, NY) wrote, “One of the most important tasks of the Cultural Revolution [sound familiar?] affecting the wide masses is the task of systematically and unswervingly combatting religion – the opium of the people” (p. 54).
False religion may have been the opiate/opium of the masses in Marx’s day, but fentanyl is the “real deal” for thousands upon thousands today (along with xylazine that has “contaminated” the opioid supply). Fentanyl from Red China supplies Mexican cartels, who push it into the U.S. It is said that in 2022, over 100,000 died in the U.S. from fentanyl poisoning. This is not counting the rapes of women and children, human trafficing and outright murder that are all related to this drug. And the leaders of nations just don’t give a DAMN! No, SIR! Standing side-by-side with American leadership, these leaders give America the MIDDLE FINGER SALUTE as they and their crime families rake in millions $$$$! These DDDDirtbags could care less about “We The People,” and even less about God’s desire for people. All their talk about democracy amounts to a heap of BIG OL’ B.S.!!
What America is experiencing is a planned JIHAD / COMMIE REVOLUTION, mixed with FASCIST DRACONIAN POISONING.
Perpetuating Puke!
Marxism / Socialism is PUKE. Of course the American government doesn’t claim to be Marxist, but the goals of this nation are Marxist (see my articles on Communism, specifically the 45 goals of Communism).
Critical Race Theory (promoting racism), Transgenderism, Cultural Correctness (i.e., whiteness = evil), all stirring up race wars … these are all tentacles of the SWAMP CREATURE that lives in the stinking political polluted waters that flow in DC (“District of Corruption”). America’s cartel, aka, “Imperial Whitehouse/Capitol Cartel,” overflows with WOKE warriors, whose loyalty is not to God but to the fag flag, to leftwing distortion and corruption, promoters of HATE, BIGOTRY, DIVISION AND PERVERSION. These AGIPROP (Agitate and Propagate) activists are all part of the Left’s political police posse (PPP) … to enforce leftwing ideologies.
As I’ve said before
Let me repeat it again: infiltrate, educate, and dominate is how Marxists work. Don’t believe me? Consider the perversions being pushed in the schools today – in the sex-ed realm. Before the perverts could make inroads into K-12 and colleges, prayer and Bible reading (Christian practices) had to be ousted. (Again, see the Communist’s 45 goals in my articles.) It took years, but now, TODAY, sex-ed is GRAPHICALLY taught to K-6th graders!
Let me repeat what the former Russian Commissar of Education declared years ago: “We HATE Christians and Christianity. Even the best of them must be considered our worst enemies. They preach love on one’s neighbor and mercy, which is contrary to our principles. Christian love is an obstacle to the development of the Revolution … we want HATE … only then can we conquer the universe.” (See Congressional Record, Vol. 77, pp. 1539 – 1540.)
Communism is not DEAD! Communists are still “educating” and “propagating.” Teachers’ unions of today are Marxist! Not all in them are Marxist, but the organizations themselves are. Christian men and women teachers are marginalized (excluded), fired, fined, arrested and even jailed for not bowing to the demands of the unions.
The 45 goals to destroy the U.S. were put in the U.S. Congressional Record in 1963, and Russia was the “wolf” at that time, then later it became China. But China is the “Big Bad Wolf” today. No matter who is the “wolf,” Communists have infiltrated the most “secret” agencies within the U.S. and many nations, and thousands of spies have stolen sensitive data to use against America and many others. American leaders have secretly allowed this, getting $$ on the side.
O Sluggard
We are living in the Proverbs 6:9-11 time here in America:
“How long will you slumber O sluggard? When will you rise from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep – so shall your poverty come on you like a prowler, and your need like an armed man.”
Yes, how long will Americans sleep in the sleep of death while the lies of Communism engulf more and more American freedoms, lands, tech, and so on? Communism is still prowling from one nation to another …
If we could WAKE UP and see just how much the Communist Party has infiltrated globally, we would be shocked! The CCP literally HATES personal freedoms, especially freedom of speech and religion. Knowing this, one ought to understand and see how the war against free speech and the labeling of Christianity as a “terrorist organization” is just another sign of Communism in this nation.
It is shocking to hear American leaders, even generals, claim that Communism is not an enemy to the U.S.! Dude, you are compromised by how much they pay you for lying to the American people! Look at China. As long as China remains Communist, it will always be an enemy to the rest of the world, as it has proven time and again, like every other Communist nation.
Make no mistake in the U.S.: The Red, White, and Blue are turning Red with a hammer and sickle. The FAG flag is, in many places, more honored than the U.S. flag (see Communist goals # 25-29, et al.).
The Goal
The goal of the Communists is to be #1 on the global stage, hence, the U.S. must capitulate or be destroyed. This will happen one way or the other if we do not WAKE UP and do something about this … but what?
REPENT – this is the ONLY answer; the only RIGHT answer, the only LASTING answer, to TURN JESUS’ FACE BACK TOWARDS US, and bring His peace and leading to us, His blessing, once again.
America, as I write, has become mercuric, that is, unpredictably changeable. We’re not the STRONG ROBUST nation I grew up in. So, SIR! America has become emasculated, i.e., castrated and feminized, effeminate. While there are pockets of resistance against SIN and LIES in this nation (a nation now called the United Snakes of Amerika), these pockets find themselves vastly outnumbered. Christians taking their stand in the Spirit are few and far between. We have the sane vs. the insane.
Big Gov. SUCKS!
God’s Spirit told us years ago that a huge SUCKING FUNNEL was coming and that America would face its WRATH. I take this to mean the many demonic forces working together to SUCK the life out of this nation. The SuCKING FUNNEL is here! The coup or coup de grace or coup d’etat is falling upon our land as I write about it. Call the players Deep State, One World Gov., or what have you, it is here and it is QUEER!!! We are under a “police state” mentality.
If you don’t think so, just resist it by adhering to God’s truths and spreading the Gospel. Just come against the “transgressing Transgenders” with the TRUTH, and see what happens to you. The militant LGBTQ+ machine will grind you up.
My wife and I have been to Africa many, many times; and we have given our lives to spreading the Gospel all over that continent. I can tell you that the BLM is not a movement that cares about any race, especially their own. And the motivation has always clearly been $$$ and perversion. Lest you forget or don’t know it, the 3 lesbians who started the BLM were avowed Marxists! In the beginning of their online manifesto, it reads, “What we believe” seeks to “disrupt” the “western-prescribed” family (i.e., mother and father) … promoting rather the emancipation from “hetero-normative thinking,” thus promoting anti-heterosexual thought. The BLM demands “reproductive justice” (meaning MURDER of the unborn and the fostering of a “queer-affirming network” and pro-trans thinking) that is the core of their creed to REMAKE America in their (PERVERTED) image.
Back to China
China, under the CCP, loves CONTROL. And part of this control is killing/murder. If we were to combine the numbers of those killed and murdered in the old USSR and the CCP, the numbers would be staggering.
How many are dying right now because of other forms of corruption, like experimenting on the public in various ways by various means? Do you not think they do experiments? Look around, do some research. It’s nothing new. Corruption is everywhere in this fallen world.
There are many forces in the world at work to bring the world into a “One World Order” (ODOR!). You might think, “I’ve heard this for years.” Yes. We’ve all heard this. Yet it does not make evil machinations false … or finished.
Made in China!!!
Oh, yeah. China, the CCP who controls China, is relentless in its pursuit of world domination and the DAMNATION of America. Like I’ve said before, in 1980 the Spirit of (predictive) prophecy told us that a “yellow invasion” was coming to America. This invasion has been ongoing and is at work as I write this article. Even the U.S. government itself tells us that we’ve lost tremendous amounts of high tech info / secrets to China because we have been SLUMBERING … having wet dreams, no doubt, about our idols. And now America has become a POT NATION, which, of course, is all part of the Communists’ plan to mentally weaken us. Pot heads, sex addicts, stuff-and-things crazies, you name it, we’re either addicted to it or soon will be. Now the race is on among the states to see who will legalize hard drugs.
When China was admitted to the U.N., when Nixon initiated the process in 1972 and Carter consummated it in 1979, well, that was a BIG mistake. Now China surpasses us in so many ways. America is dependent on many needed military and national imports – made in China. Don’t fool yourself to believe we could win a war with this ruthless “yellow beast.” (And I don’t mean this as a racial slur; this is how God has identified them.)
It is being reported now that China is infiltrating Central and South America BIG TIME. Back in the 80’s and 90’s, as we worked in Africa, the Philippines, and many nations in Central and South America, we saw Chinese programs on the rise. Today, China owns sea ports all around the world – ready for World War 3? We’ll see what God allows.
Things, BAD things, are developing all over the world, as usual. BAD NEWS is suffocating! I report all this to inform you of the devil’s many agendas, and to keep you sharp against the LIES that have tried to infiltrate America (and many other nations in this world).
Don’t give way to the floods of SIN that are crashing against us all. The “Good News” of the Gospel of Christ is LIFE-GIVING. Let us spread the Good News while the door of opportunity is OPEN!!!!
~ Gen. Jim, POW