During the 19th century, the term “gender” had been given “restrictive labels,” meaning it was deemed a “grammatical term denoting agreement with other words” (see Oxford English Dictionary, 1898, and contemporary versions of Merriam Webster’s). However, associating “gender” with “sex” (i.e., with a biological term that denotes “male” or “female”) continued in occasional use over the late 19th and early 20th centuries. So, “gender” went from a word associated with grammar to a word associated with biology.
By Webster’s Third (1961), it is obvious that the term “grammar” had lost all of its “restrictive labels” that kept it away from being used as a biological synonym for “sex.” It has been used to refer to “sex” more and more since.
Today, “gender” is a catchword used along with other terms to ignite a conflagration against all sexual norms. “Transgenderism,” in particular, promotes a WICKED PERVERSION – a mutilation of reproductive organs, breasts, and other body parts. Beyond these demonic mutilations called “surgeries,” we have the basic perversion of biological facts: biological males believe they are females; biological females believe they are males. And WOE to anyone who begs to differ with them! You’ll find out quickly how hostile and murderous they can be.
Non-binary vs. binary, gender vs. no gender, GENDER PRETENDERS! All this confusion is being dumped onto the American public, ad nauseam. Ethnicity, race, gender, clan … America’s obsession. Its “un-ratiocinations and twisted observations,” idiocies and idiosyncrasies, all = the vanity and insanity of humanity. It’s all being pushed by mentally sick people, perverts, and those who HATE God’s creation and His requirements for conduct. Idiotic!
The shift in “gender” identity has put America on the highway to Hell. Yet if we warn them about this, we fall into “gender discrimination,” which is being promoted daily by the mass media (Marxist Leftist Liberals) – all those disgracing God’s Word and blaming Christians, conservatives and ANYONE for countering them. These antiChrists are sick, mentally damaged, narcissistic “gender pretenders.”
The Bible is clear about sex sins. Although the Bible does not use the word “transgender,” it does speak of cross-dressing, being a transvestite, transsexualism (a psychological urge to belong to the opposite sex, hence, dressing and acting).
As stated, 1 Corinthians 6:9 uses the words “sodomite” (NKJV, et al.) and “homosexuals,” aka “catamites.” Deuteronomy 23:17-18 states, “There shall be no ritual harlot of the daughters of Israel, or a perverted one of the sons of Israel; you shall not bring the wages of a harlot or the price of a dog (sodomite) to the house of the LORD your God for any vowed offering, for both of these are an ABOMINATION…” (NKJV). The “harlot” refers to the female, and “perverted one” refers to the male (for a dog mounts other dogs from behind, just as a homo male mounts another male). Please take note of Revelation 22:15, “For without are DOGS…” referring to sodomites.
“Dog”: Hebrew, keleb, from an unused root; a dog (by euphemism) a male prostitute
“Dog”: Greek, juon (a primary word) lit. or fig. A Sodomite. According to the Bible, sex pervers will NOT enter Heaven, for they are an ABOMINATION. Repentance can change this of course. A harlot/whore is also an ABOMINATION.
The ritual harlot was rewarded by the Canaanites as one “set apart” for the worship of gods and goddesses of fertility. In Canaanite religious fertility rites, men lay with cultic prostitutes. This debased system of worship was one of the reasons God brought such strong judgment against them.
The average “harlot”/”whore” (Deuteronomy 23:18) is a common prostitute. A “whore” can be either a male or female, not necessarily being paid for their perversions.
1 Kings 15:12 tells us that king Asa “banished the perverted persons (NKJV) from the land…” (as in 1 Kings 14:24, Deuteronomy 23:17; 20:18 = abominations of the nations; see also Deuteronomy 9:4-5). The “perverted persons” were male prostitutes which were also part of the Canaanite fertility rituals. Here in 1 Kings 14:24 and 15:12, the words “perverted persons” means “devoted to sacred service (sex), which, according to God’s righteousness, was [and IS!] an ABOMINATION, which in the Hebrew describes perverted sex that impelled the LORD GOD to dispossess the land (see Deuteronomy 18:9,12; see also 1 Kings 22:46,47; 2 Kings 23:7).”
Example of IDOL/SEX Worship
2 Kings 23:7-8 relates to us that Josiah “tore down the ritual booths of the perverted persons that were in the house of the LORD … And He brought all the priests from the cities of Judah, and defiled the high places where the priests had burned incense…” (v. 8).
Take Heed Preachers & Priests
The God who anointed Josiah to trash the whorehouses (male and female) and tear down their altars where they worshiped Baal and shamed the Living God, is the same God today. All you “Christian” churches who have allowed LGBTQ+ sex-sins will receive punishments SOONER or LATER.
Not only did Israel allow “perverted persons” to practice trade in Jerusalem, but they allowed these “perverts” to build booths in the temple precincts. Israel was so BACKSLID! that they practiced the sin of Molech – to burn their children on pagan altars. Many in the church practice or condone abortion, which is equated to burning children alive: abortion rips bodies apart! (See Jeremiah 7:31,32; 19:5,6; 32:35; et al.)
Today’s liberal Church is GUILTY of idolatry, adultery and LGBTQ+ sins. Israel was guilty of worshiping Ashtoreth, the abomination of the Sidonians (23:13); Chemosh, the abomination of the Moabites; (v. 13) and Milcom, the abomination of the people of Ammon (v. 13).
Many people have, for years, pointed out the paganism within the Roman Catholic Church. However, not only is the Roman Catholic Church guilty of sex sins and gross idolatry, but the liberal Christian Churches have followed in their footsteps.
Need I write more?
Remember Jude, please. In light of all these texts, how can anyone calling themselves “Christian” say God condones such abominable practices, be they transsexual, homosexual, or heterosexual?
It matters not if you believe “dogs” (Revelation 22:15) refer to false teachers (as some say), pointing to Philippians 3:2, “Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the mutilation (concision).” Hmmm, mutilation? This refers to circumcision, cutting part of the penis away: trans males cut off their whole penis, believing they will become a female. Really, dude? GET SERIOUS!
Sex perverts and false wicked teachers are “dogs.” In New Testament times, dogs were hated scavengers, thus the term came to be used for all who had morally impure minds and deeds.
Repent and be saved!
Looking Into Romans 1
The epistle to the Ekklesia at Rome is basically a theological treatise (AD 57). I love Romans. It is a very “systematic presentation of theology.” Paul wrote it and expounds why Jesus died for all lost humanity. He clarifies the core concepts of Christianity – works, justification and election.
Why I bring up Romans is because chapter one (out of 17) contains a detailed description of the sinfulness of mankind/humankind (1:18 – 3:20). I want to examine – once again – what the Apostle wrote in reference to sex-sin.
Verse 18
Paul begins with “the WRATH of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men (meaning both sexes), who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.” We learn that sinful/lost people can mentally perceive the revealed truth (vv. 19-20), but they choose to suppress it. This is exactly what the whole LGBTQ+ movement is doing today. I believe most in their ranks of rebels KNOW that they are WRONG. God has put in every soul a conscience to know right from wrong. Most just go ahead in known defiance.
Verse 21 states that they knew God but did not follow Him. That’s why their hearts and thoughts became darkened. The end was, they became fools. Some versions state that they “became vain in their reasoning and their senseless minds were darkened.” TRY TO REASON WITH THESE PEOPLE TODAY. They are Hostile towards Biblical truth, even murderous!
Since they “held down” (“suppressed”) the truth, the following transpired:
“Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies…” (v. 24).
God abandoned them to self-indulgence, abominable sins (vv. 26,28).
V. 24 – Homosexuality (male/female) is UNCLEAN! Homosexuality and all its variations (LGBTQ+) dishonors the bodies of those who practice such sins.
V. 25 – Once they suppressed the truth by exchanging the (revealed) truth for a LIE … (V. 26) God “gave them up” – the 2nd time these words are written – “to VILE passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature (lesbianism).”
God created man/woman, male/female, as sexual beings. Sex is not dirty nor vile, if done as God intended. Male with male and female with female is AGAINST NATURE – it is shameful.
Note the wording: “natural use” (NKJV, et al.) and “against nature” Natural (Greek), phusikos = physical, i.e., (by implication) instinctive, from phusis = natural germination / production / disposition / constitution or usage, mankind, nature.
In short, God created the human race very good, to marry one another, have lawful sex and bring forth children: “Adam knew (had sex with) Eve, his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain…” (Genesis 4:1). Nothing is said about a 3rd gender or about aborting a pre-born baby!
Nature (Greek), phusis (same as above). This Greek word comes from phuo = a primary verb meaning to germinate, produce (lit. or fig.) spring up. Strictly speaking, again, when you have male with male, female with female, it is against nature, unnatural. Why? Besides the obvious physical characteristics, children cannot be conceived (as we are intended to populate). This Paul knew. This is why Paul appealed to nature in verse 27 that “the men, leaving the natural use of women, burned in their LUST FOR ONE ANOTHER, men with men (lit. males with males) committing what is SHAMEFUL, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their ERROR (i.e., SIN) which was due.”
One can look these texts up in many versions and they may word them differently, but the meaning is clear: homosexuality/lesbianism is shameful, against nature, unclean, unrighteous. One Bible scholar puts it this way (in reference to v. 27): “Homosexuality is a SIN (see Leviticus 18:22). The point is not that Homosexuality is a SIN that should be punished. Rather, Homosexuality itself is the punishment. Having rejected God and become idolaters, some men have given over to shameful passions (v. 26). Thus they receive in themselves the penalty of their error.”
We may or may not agree with this take on v. 26, but I’ll add to Leviticus 18:22 (where Homosexuality is condemned), that God added the death penalty to the SIN of sodomy:
“If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, BOTH of them have committed an ABOMINATION. They shall surely be PUT TO DEATH. Their blood shall be upon them.”
Not only were sodomites condemned to die but also those who curse mother or father (20:9), those who commit adultery (v. 10), he who lies with his father’s wife, both shall die (v. 11), a man who lies with his daughter-in-law, both shall die (v. 12), and verse 14 states, “If a man marries a woman and her mother, it is wickedness. They shall be burned with fire.” Verse 15 and 16 condemns having sex with animals – both shall die. Read all of Leviticus 20. Most killing for sex-sins was done by stoning (see John 8:1-5).
Given Over
Paul continues with his discussion of sex-sins, etc.:
Romans 1:28-32 contains an extensive list of sins. Today, the liberal Church downplays those sins, especially sexual immorality. Read verses 28-31 slowly, prayerfully, to grasp the seriousness. Because a large portion of the Church has gone a whoring after the world, society rationalizes certain sins like LGBTQ+ sins especially; hence the MESS that we’re PLAGUED with in this hour.
The List
Verse 28 states that God gave them over to a DEBASED mind. They were filled with all unrighteousness:
Sexual immorality
They became:
Haters of God
Inventors of EVIL things
Disobedient to parents
Paul ends chapter 1 with:
“…knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them” (v. 32).
Both Church (a portion of it) and State (mostly the Democratic Party) are guilty as HELL on this issue. The U.S. government backs the LGBTQ+ community 100%, as does the liberal Church. So, do we as a nation DESERVE GOD’S PUNISHMENTS?
~ Gen. Jim, POW — RELEASED!