-Gen. Jim ~ POW-86322 — 12/8/19

America is in a political free-fall, but God has His hand on our pulse. We lived thru the 60’s Revolution – “Flower Power” to “Hell-Fire” that followed. Here we are in a Nation divided, aka “Divided States of America.”
Remember during the Nixon years America was shocked by “Watergate”: America currently is facing “Dump Trump!” impeachment. The Left see him as a tragedian, i.e. actor of tragedy, what they call a national tragedy!! Will America erupt into a 60’s like revolution: “transmogrifying trumpery”: showy but worthless. As his critics would tell us, will his impeachment cause a political/social tsunami?
The political machine is being trashed by Trump. American tradition is being trashed, at least the “left” believe so. They complain daily on CNN that he is an ENEMY of the U.S., he is totally ungovernable, unruly, uncouth, rude and crude – but DT is by all standards undaunted by his critics. Prez Trump is a man of “guts” – this is undeniable.
But the Holy Spirit is in the very midst of it all. If you have spiritual insight, this is unequivocal. God wants to be God of America. Will we yield or keep on rebelling? America is fast becoming amoral. God’s love is unreciprocated. Just what is the Spirit of God trying to show us?
Don’t be fooled by America’s verisimilitude, i.e. appearance of being real (with God). The truth is America has grown cold and indifferent towards God. We are still bent on breaking His moral/ethical laws, wiping our mouth and say, “I’ve done no wrong!”
This is the time to shun the virulent spirit and embrace the Holy Spirit, which is love. The Spirit is wanting to strip America of all its fakeness; He wants repentance, but we still want to be carnally vivacious, i.e. spirited.
You have rightly said, “love is more than a 4-letter word.” False love, i.e. volatility, quicky evaporates when the Holy Ghost’s fire is upon it. If we really love God, we’re going to love people who are created in His image and likeness. We’re going to love the “unlovable,” regardless of their religious/political affiliations.
While the “left” and “right” fight-it-out, the sheep are caught in the crossfire. They are trying to cut thru the politically correct BS!, trying to get hold of a clear, sensible/reliable source of truth via FOX/CNN et al.
North Korea, Russia, China, Middle East – all are in this mix. Since Trump’s triumph over witch H. Clinton, at the very beginning, even before his inauguration, the “left” has sworn to impeach him. Old H.C. blames Russia for her defeat: “R” supported D.T., hence, he is worthy to be kicked out! of office. Poor clintons, such losers!
We at ACMTC were putting together several pubs. on “Draining the Swamp.” Each side accused each other of being “swamp dwellers!” While the Clintons accused Trump of having dealings with Russia, Queen Hillary and hubby were in bed with the Bear. So, all this PC Bull has come full circle. One doesn’t know who or what to believe. One thing we can count on – we can’t count on anything!
The Trump admin. has been engulfed in dramatic drama since day ONE. Sister Hillary said on the Andrew Man Show (UK) a while back that she is horrified by the extent of sexual abuse Mr. Weinstein (BIG News figure) committed. May I point out that she is married to a sex pervert – a prolific sexual pervert, it has been reported including underage girls! Harvey Weinstein (Hollywood producer also) was a major Democrat doner! As of late H.C. says she might run for Prez. Again. Well, I don’t want to bore you with all this: the “left’s”/ “right’s” mellifluous megalomania melodrama.
One thing is clear – the “swamp dwellers,” be they L or R, are transforming the landscape of America. What used to be considered a NO! NO! is now NORMAL. Each person running for 2020 prez all claim, “I am that leader that will defeat Trump and stabilize America.” Really? They are mere “talking heads,” ready to go to the White House… to serve the people of America. Personally, I would not trust ONE, not even DT! I am apolitical! While they claim they want to “make a difference!”, why are we to believe them? But DT is better than HE!
There is no doubt that this nation is in critical need of good men/women (no trans) of character, e.g. honestly/integrity. But D.C. corrupts the best in one way or the other. Americans are fed up with “talking heads,” worse, soliloquize (talking to one’s self).
While some claim to be Christian, the issue here is that this political existentialism does not resolve the anti-Christian problems in the government. One can’t speak the name Jesus with boldness, for it violates U.S. policy. The anti-Christ belief system develops, has developed, into a form of tyranny that tells us there still is a wall of separation between Church and state. Where is this found in the U.S. const.? (that phrase was said in a personal letter written by T. Jefferson)
At the root of all this is the desire to remove God from the nation. The “God” they now promote (if that) is the P.C. god of liberalism, the equality god, the god that condemns no one (except “Biblically Correct” believers). The work of legitimizing sin and nullifying the Law of God goes on, mostly in secret. Once we get that mean ol God-of-the-Bible OUT of politics, god will allow us to redefine what is sin and what is not. This done, leads to a sense of entitlement: e.g. a child sex pervert can claim pedophilia as a “right,” not a crime nor a sin. This is coming soon. Trust me, God’s laws are being thrown into the trash bin of past history: new god = new freedoms!
What the “left” wants (and some on the “right”) is NO Biblical rules/laws et al: personal philosophies instead. This in turn gives license to NO ultimate accountability. But how long can this last? – till the last man or woman standing?
So, I said all this to say this: don’t grow weary in well doing. I still have a Bible to read – thank God. If I can memorize Scripture, I can read them every day. I wonder when the government will ban Bibles from jails/prisons?
As you know, there were prisons that used to refuse our free Christian publications, yet favor Islamic publications.
Well, I’m finished for now. I needed to say all this.
Please pray that we stay strong in the faith. Facing each day is a challenge when one is locked up. We do thank God for the few who are Christians in corridors of power in Washington DC, aka, “District of Corruption.” They fight for what is right.