July 4, 2020
America’s “Culture War,” (CW) aka “Fahrenheit 212” is boiling over. This CW is also being called “Cancel Culture,” because the radical “Left” wants to CANCEL out all the American history they don’t like and replace it with Marxism.
Who was Mao? He was the man who eventually defeated Chiang Kai-Shek, leader of China’s Nationalist Government after WWII. Chiang ordered the restoration of civil rights and inaugurated freedom of the press. The Chinese Communists did not want this, so the two leaders–Mao and Chiang–became avowed enemies. Of course we all know that eventually Chiang lost and Mao became LORD over China.
Chairman Mao soon became intoxicated with his “RED” success. Even Russia felt it necessary to make concessions to Mao and his oppressive Communist government. China then quickly grew to become a world aggressor–and still is. It is a superpower nearly equal to the U.S. Mao then intensified the spirit of his anti-west/world campaign. Floods of “RED” propaganda were released calling the U.S. a “paper tiger.” (To this day, China routinely lies to us, steals from us, threatens and taunts us. Their latest attack was the release of the Covid-19 virus, a bio-weapon which has killed over 7 million globally,, and the body count keeps growing.) This “spirit” that Mao conjured up has plagued the U.S. for decades now. This same “spirit” is behind all the ongoing unrest/rioting taking place across the U.S.
Rewinding a bit, we’ll recall that Barack Obama’s mentor/pastor was a man named Jeremiah Wright, who worked hard to fulfill Communist Goal #27: “Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with ‘social’ religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a ‘religious crutch’.” I’ve written dozens of articles about this in times past.
Looking more closely at this particular Communist goal, J. Wright’s leftist inflammatory rhetoric is a case-in-point. His Socialist/Communist/politically correct/ pseudo-church organization has reduced the Gospel/Bible to nothing more than a collection of “tall tales,” rather than the Word of God proclaiming the Absolute Truths of God’s Kingdom. Many churches all across the U.S. have now become social (Socialist) clubs, not places of worship and Bible study.
In spite of America’s many flaws, let us remember that it is still the greatest promoter of personal/religious freedom in the entire world–and the “Left” wants to destroy that. The death of George Floyd at the hands of four cops in Minneapolis MN back in May of 2020, quickly became an icon/symbol of police injustice. The “Left” wasted no time capitalizing on this tragic event. RAGE and RIOTS engulfed cities across the U.S.
Yet now Floyd’s death has been overshadowed by an ever-growing “spirit” whose ultimate goal is to destroy/demonize America’s history–exactly what the “Reds” (called hippies) did during the massive Cultural Revolution of the 1960’s. “Politically Correct” driven upheaval/unrest has now become a major plague in itself with both peaceful and violent protests going on daily.
This radical Commie assault is getting more violent. People are dying, including police. Races, nationalities, and cultures are clashing. Not only here in the U.S., but in other countries around the world as well. The main instigator of America’s rioting is “Black Lives Matter,” whose ideology is Marxist. While minor details and idiosyncrasies may differ, they believe that Marxism is the ideal way of life for America….a way of life (death in reality) which has failed EVERYWHERE else it has ever been tried. Even China has to compromise, for capitalism is what keeps her people from starvation and massive social upheaval. Hence they have “Communist Capitalism,” a real oxymoron!
Despite the failure of Communism, these deluded radicals are pushing hard and heavy to overthrow America’s current system–the system that allows them the FREEDOM to act like idiots, all the while enjoying the fruits of Capitalism. These cultural prostitutes for Marxism would not last a month in a real Communist controlled country where all cell phones and Internet activity are monitored 24/7. Freedom of religion, speech, and travel are all monitored and greatly restricted. All technology and tech devices are controlled by the Party. Censorship is a–THE–way of life in China. Here in the States, people throw a livid fit if the government, or anyone else, violates their “rights.” These anti-American dupes are enjoying the many rights and privileges which the very America they are attacking has freely given them. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. These idiots are the type who cut off their nose to spite their face.
Undoubtedly, some injustices have been done by city/state/federal agencies–no one is denying that. Yet a nation without law and order will soon become a land of DISORDER! Watch what happens to the cities where police are being disbanded and/or defunded: you’ll see CHAOS rule. Who will take charge? All this will eventually cause America to lapse back into the dark ages. The “blessing of liberty” will become the “curse of oppression.”
Let me end with this: DARKNESS cannot put out DARKNESS! It was Martin Luther King Jr. who said, “For through violence you may murder a murderer, but you can’t murder murder… .darkness cannot put out darkness; only LIGHT can do that.” And that “Light” is the Gospel of Jesus Christ the Lord. On the other hand, Marxism put into practice personifies evil to the worst degree.
— Gen. Jim Green, POW