First, let’s talk about the conditions of the world, and then see what God has to say:
There is pushback – thank God – pushback against all the B.S. that is stinking up America; pushback against the LGBTQ+ movement, and the weaponizing of the FBI/CIA/DOJ/DOD/HLS/et al; pushback against the protection of criminals, especially criminal leaders and their family members; pushback against the “cancel culture” apparatus and the socialization of our educational system; pushback against the neverending promotion of “womb HOMICIDE,” aka ABORTION …
The far Left is not satisfied with the current dichotomous state of affairs. No, sir! They are trying to put an end to the two-party political system, the GOP vs. Liberals. They want a Socialist/Communist system ONLY; an exclusive anti-American system. The leadership loves Communist China and hates “Christian” (based) America. They want to pervert America so that no one can differentiate between good and evil. They want to pervert the children, to mutilate them: i.e., transgenderism.
And the warmongers are trying to get America into another “hot” war with both Russia and China. The radical Left doesn’t give a damn about American soldiers: they merely want to continue to use them. For decades now, Red China has been stealing military/government tech to embolden their own ranks. Their goal is to make America one of their own. They own more of America than you can imagine, not just land but high tech. They have infiltrated just about every sphere of American life, even the Church.
There are many who want to outlaw “socialism” in politics. But the debate has come “too little too late.” China, Communist China, is within our nation: covertly, clandestinely turning America into a Socialist institution – turning more and more against the U.S. Constitution, against God and the Bible; turning children against parents, and against moral lives. The Spirit told us back in 1980 that America would experience a “yellow Invasion.” This “invasion” has been subtle, sneaky, but continual.
While we’ve been waiting for the HORROW of TOMORROW to come, it is here, it is queer. See Communist goals #24-26 of the 45 goals of the Communist Party, implemented to take over and control America. These 3 goals deal with eliminating all laws governing obscenity, i.e., laws against porn, obscenity in books, mags, movies, radio, TV; in reverse, the agenda seeks to present LGBTQ+ along with all degeneracy/promiscuity as “normal, natural, and healthy.” Goal #27 = discredit the Bible, which as we know, condemns all perversions..
All this has left the American public in a “cloud of doubt,” doubting that the U.S. will ever pull itself from the stinking swamp wherein dwells enemies of God and country. Well, let me assure you, the leadership is neither patriotic nor Christian. It has been sold out to the Chinese Communist Party, to the LIBERAL mob, the Politically Correct regime … years ago. When the leaders swear by oath to protect the people of the U.S., it is no more honest than the devil promising to “BE GOOD”! As snakes are slippery and slimy, so are the leaders.
I recently watched an investigative journalist read aloud all the LIES/disinformation the leadership has pushed as “truth” over the years, and I was literally stunned. These are verified statements, not just made up accusations. The conclusion? THE LEADERS ARE LIARS!
Case in Point
As we all know, China sent a “spy” balloon over America. The U.S. government failed to alert the public of this till the public took notice of it hovering over a nuke base in Montana. Communists said it was their balloon (a weather balloon!?) that was “blown off course” (yeah, right!). The U.S. government allowed it to stay over our nation while there was an outcry to “shoot it down,” which they finally did (Saturday, 2-4-23). But the POTUS didn’t act till China had taken data from one nuke base to another. More later …
POP Control
There is a “Green Comprehensive Plan” to DEpopulate the world. This was expressed at Davos (Switzerland) lately at the World Economic Forum. The “elites” of the world are openly stating that millions MUST DIE. Covid/wars/starvation/etc. are a few ways and means to rid the world of “undesirables.” Just listen to their talk. Read their websites/pubs.
May I suggest that those who are propagating mass murder should start with themselves and their families. Since the world is overcrowded, not enough food/water/fuel/blah,blah,blah, you would think they would set the example of depopulation. Well, we’re all waiting!
The world is divided over the horrid conditions at hand. Moreover, not only are there man-made disasters to deal with, there are natural disasters to deal with. Note: As I was watching the early morning world news (at 4:00 am), the BBC was reporting live on an 8.7 earthquake in Turkey and Seria. The death toll was already high but the recovery efforts had just gotten underway. It seems there is one disaster after another…
So, what does God say about all this?
Jesus said: “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars … all these things must come to pass … nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom … famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places … tribulations, hatreds, betrayals, lawlessness, loss of love…” (Matthew 24:6-12). I know the Words of Jesus have been preached and written about hundreds and hundreds of times over the years. And God’s judgments have been poured out. Every generation has had a “Matthew 24 time” in it. This leaves one to wonder which generation will be the actual last generation? I’m sure that with the passing of this present one, another worse one will arise. Humans are determined to destroy each other. This “depopulation” agenda is not new. It was in the making back in the 1970’s when I was just getting started as a new believer.
Matthew 24:1 – 25:46 has been termed the “eschatological” discourse since it deals with the coming of the “New Age” (the “eschaton”) in its fullness (at least many scholars see it like this). Matthew 24:29 speaks about, “immediately after the tribulation of those days,” in reference to “for at that time there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will be” (v. 21). Some take these words to mean, “THE END!”
If one reads what Jeus was saying related to the destruction of the temple of His day – a predictive prophecy. But one can interpret His words as “typology prophecy,” i.e., a divinely intended pattern of events, encompassing both historical correspondence and intensification (as one Bible scholar puts it). Typology views the relationship of the O.T. events to those in the new dispensation not as “one-to-one” correspondence, in which the old is repeated or continued but, as scholars believe, in terms of 2-principles = historical correspondence and escalation (see E. Earle Ellis, “Foreward” to Leonnard Goppelt, Typos: the Typological Interpretation of the O.T. in the New,” 1982, X.).
What one great event is predicted and fulfilled, it can be a “type” of an event in the end time. This takes on in the world of language: literally, fig., genre of apocalyptic imagery, allegory, symbolism, metaphors, similes, hyperboles, illumination principles, grammatical principles, historical principles, context/content, synergy principles, analogy, etc.
When Jesus spoke what He did in Matthew 24-25, we can believe His words to be typology: a type is a person, event, or institution in the redemptive history of the O.T. (Jesus lived in O.T. times) that prefigures a corresponding but greater reality in the New Testament. So, type is a copy/pattern/model that signifies an even greater reality.
Jesus/ words about a time such as has not been since the beginning of the world until now, nor even will be (Matthew 24:21), point us to a horrible/terrifying event yet to come. Was Jesus using hyperbolic language, a figure of speech that employs exaggeration for effect or emphasis? Was Jesus comparing the Flood of Noah’s day – which killed all but 8 souls! – to the destruction of Jerusalem, more of a cataclysmic event? Or was He predicting a future cataclysmic event that would be worse than the two mentioned? 70 AD was terrifying for the Jews only, but the future destruction will have no equal.
Many believe we are living in this time NOW! A worldwide catastrophe is certain. There are apocalyptic passages in Scripture that had their fulfillment but will have a greater apocalyptic fulfillment in the future or now.
The teaching that old Israel/Jerusalem was a shadow/type of new Israel/JerUSAlem, which will also be destroyed by God!
- Gen. Jim, POW