By: J.M.G — 2019
The Bible has many names for those who are ministers, “shepherds” is one of those names. Since Christ is called “Good Shepherd” (John 10:11), the “Great Shepherd” (Hebrews 13:20), the “Shepherd” and “Chief Shepherd” (1 Peter 2:25/5:4), naturally His ministers would also be called “shepherds” (stewards, ambassadors, pastor, et al are also used).
As His shepherds over His flock, we are to lead His lambs/sheep into green pastures. David’s Psalm (23) starts out with, “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want (lit, lack), He makes me to lie down in green pastures (lit., tender grass); He leads me beside the still waters (lit., waters of rest). He restores my soul; he leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake…” (23:1-3).
David goes on to say that his Shepherd, the LORD, prepares a table (v. 5) and anoints his head.
The Word leads, means guides. In our work and walk with Christ Jesus, He along with the Holy Spirit will lead and guide us into all truth; John 16:23 has Jesus explaining to His disciples that, “When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will GUIDE you into all truth…” Previously Jesus explains, “But the Helper (Greek, Parakletos, Comforter), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, HE will teach you all things,” (John 14:26).
Not only do shepherds lead/guide, but also feed. The “green pastures” (Psalms 23:2) is the feeding ground for God’s lambs and sheep.
Paul/Barnabas retold the story (to the men of Lycadonia) how God, “did good, gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness,” (Acts 14:17).
Heart food! Soul food! This feeds our spiritual man. Jesus exclaims, “I am the BREAD (food) of life,” (John 6:35).He feeds us His Word, for He is the WORD (John 1:1,14). Have you eaten today?
Healthy Flock
It is the responsibility of the pastor/shepherds to keep/protect/feed the lambs and sheep. The Scriptures contrasts good shepherds with the hirelings in John 10:7-18. Verse 13 tells us that “The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep.”
Jesus also tells us that, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy,” (v. 10). He is referring to satan (see 1 John 5:19; John 8:44)!
Sad but Time
In today’s churchianity we see too many hirelings (paid by Satan) that have led God’s people into the devil’s world – the very world that Christ delivered them out of thru repentance. The hirelings have been teaching the lambs/sheep to LOVE the world and the things in the world e.g. lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (see 1 John 2:15-17). They have taught them to be tolerant of the world’s sins, to embrace their values and to deny crucifying their own flesh. They have led them into temptation, evil and damnation! They have fed them swines food and have not taught them to abstain from greed, hence become greedy for “stuff and things” that are harmful to the body, the soul, and the spirit. They, the poor lamb/sheep have developed an appetite for avarice. In doing so the same have grown to dislike Heaven’s food. The fakes, flakes, and the religious snakes (called shepherds) are enemies of God, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the true Church and the angels.
Because of the backslid Church, I believe the nation has fallen into total decay and ruin. It is the Church, the real, genuine one that has been given the commission to be the LIGHT, to LOVE, and be the LIFE of a nation. But the true Light, Love, and Life of Christ has been demoralized, demonized and threatened by the powers of the world. How long are we gonna put up with their anti-Christ decadence? Literally, I have preached/written on this subject for over 4 decades. When the Spirit urged me (and Deborah) to make a stand against what the Spirit called “Babylon Churchianity” – late 1970’s – we were called many names by the Church. Well, here we are in 2019 and you tell me if the Church isn’t Hell Bound! It is full of disease and death spiritually, full of sex-sins, especially LGBTQ plus sins, and GREED is a prevailing sin (which comes in many forms).
If the flock wanders or dies of ROT, thru the shepherd’s neglect, what can we do or better yet, what will God do?
Overseeing the flock in a grave responsibility. Paul called for the Church elders (Acts 20:17), exhorted the Ephesian elders:”… from the first day I came to Asia, in what manner I always lived among you, serving the Lord with all humility, with many tears and trials… how I kept back nothing that was helpful, but proclaimed it to you, and taught you publicly and from house to house…” ( Acts 20:18-20).
Paul didn’t shed tears over how the LGBTQ plus, abortionists, liars, thieves, murderers, et al were treated, he shed tears over how the true servants of God were treated by both the world and the religionists. Today’s liberal shepherds, politically correct, woke pastors side with the world AGAINST the True Shepherds/ministers of God. (Just ask us about this personally).
Did You Know?
Jesus said more about HELL than He did about Heaven. He was not under the “nice guy” bondage as these liberal/woke/PC pastors are today. No sir! He let the SWORD CUT (Word) and the FIRE BURN (Spirit), sparing no one. Today’s liberal Church apologizes if the Word/Spirit offends their congregation. Many use the “F” word (and I don’t mean “fear,” but the filthy “F” word) in their sermons (“snacks of delight”). Fear, faith, forward, etc. are left out of their “nice” sermons.
Yep! It is here and it is QUEER, “strange things” in His name. Strange things are being said in the name of Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit.
“O foolish Galatians! Who has BEWITCHED you that you should not obey the truth…? (Galatians 3:1). “O American Church! Who has BEWITCHED you that you should not obey the truth?”
Witches/Bitches behind pulpits… trans, homos, lesbians, bisexuals, adulterers, fornicators, child molesters, pimps, prostitutes, drunkards, pot-smoking, pill popping shepherds!!!
The liberal Church is far WORSE than ancient Israel. Paul wrote: “… I declare to you the gospel.. which you receivedin which you stand, by which also you are saved, IF you HOLD FAST (lit., FIRM) that word which I preached to you – unless you believed in VAIN,” (1 Corinthians 15:1,2).
There are many churches that have non-believers (un-saved) in them. There are some believers that are more close to Hell than Heaven. There are some who profess Christ but live like the devil (shepherds/elders et al.). Many are liberal-minded (i.e. tolerant towards sin and sinners) who nourish the vain conceit that sin is sin only if you think it is sin. How nice! The devil has led all these into deception, fed them lies, and encouraged them in greed.
The SOLUTION to the POLLUTION is SPIRIT REVOLUTION! Let the Sword cut and the Fire Burn! Use the “sword of the Lord” skillfully; pure from vanity, pure form evil; Put OUT the STRANGE fire; let the Holy Ghost Fire BURN the HELL out of us! Amen